Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Politically Incorrect Gamer, Part 3- It's Tradition

Hey folks. SinSynn here.

 So has anybody else ever noticed that every 40k character ever invented lacks two things?
A spouse and children.

Now I understand that a cat like Gregor Eisenhorn doesn't really have time to set down roots, and there's probably not a Dark Eldar dude or dudette in Commorragh that can muster up the courage required to ask Lelith out for coffee. Or tea. Or whatever the heck it is that Dark Eldar drink.
But, whatevs, man. I mean, we all know that 40k characters are born via osmosis, or sumpthin,' right? Cuz in the grimdark future, there just ain't time for relationships, what with all the killin' and all.

*Burning heretics as a couple is part of the intimacy phase in the 40k universe*

If you ask me, the 40k universe is just about one of the wackiest, most un-politically correct places ever.
Citizens of the Imperium live lives filled with oppression, hatred and outright fear. Of the Xenos races, only the Orks seem to be having any fun. The Eldar are in bad shape, lamenting over their fallen empire and trying to protect their very souls from Slaanesh. The Necrons are all bitter about trading in their physical forms for an automaton-like immortality. The Tau are convinced their lil' socialist cult type of society is best for everyone; cuz y'know how trustworthy those Ethereals are, right? The Tyranids just wanna eat everyone, cuz hey why not? And then you've got the Chaos Gods, and their assortment of minions...
It's all a great big mess, and pretty much any sentient being that can clutch a weapon is doing so, and tryin' to bash the sentient being next to them with it.
Really, now...who has time to love when Abaddon is bein' a big ol' jerk, and your planet is in the path of one of his ever-so-annoying crusades?

And, yeah, maybe the Imperium is rife with intolerance. Maybe women are poorly represented, if they're represented at all. Maybe it's full of dumb stereotypes...
Yeah...that's probably the case.
I love it anyway.

*So ridiculous it's awesome*

In fact, our entire hobby can be a bit odd in the way certain issues get handled, or ignored altogether.
Sure, if I could change some things about it, I would- our hobby as a whole is pretty awful where culturally sensitive subjects are concerned.
But...what to change?

You guys already know I like scantily clad models, but I'd like to see more female characters in all my mini-games, scantily clad or not. Why wouldn't I ?
If a black or brown character showed up, would that ruin anything for me? No.

While I think our hobby would be greatly helped by having more diversity at every level, from their staffs all the way down to the products they sell, I kinda enjoy our hobby the way it is. Yes, the dumb stereotypes are dumb, there's no denying that. They're dumb, and they're cliche, and a lot of 'em are eye-rollingly bad.
I still love it anyway.

I'll admit I've been swooning over Relic Knights lately, and just...look at at.

*Speaks for itself*

There's like, a bunch of silly stereotypes goin' on here, and frankly I'm completely amazed that there's no effeminate boy-band lookin' kid with cat ears, cuz that's the only thing missing and it woulda covered all the bases.
Nevertheless, I really like the looks of Relic Knights, cuz ohmygod...

*It's a Faye Valentine outfit!*

Alright, so shoot me.
Clearly, Relic Knights isn't doing anything whatsoever to be 'politically correct.' If anything, it's perpetuating the same ol' same ol,' just with a manga/anime-ish flair.
Yep...I still think it's awesome.

Our hobby is just, like this. It doesn't try too hard to be daring, thematically. It's pretty careful about staying in comfortable, familiar territory. The scantily clad female is such a time-worn figure in the genres that it's practically a given. While other forms of entertainment media are actively trying to create non-sexualized female characters to connect with female customers (cuz that's what it's about, after all), our hobby is pretty much like 'meh.'
What we get is more of the same, pretty much.

The funny thing is, our lil' niche thing doesn't really police itself, or have any kind of oversight whatsoever. Every movie, musical recording, comic book, video game and toy in existence has a 'rating'  on it. There are like, actual laws involved in these industries.
It's kinda funny, too, that when then someone involved in any of those industries makes a politically incorrect step there's all kinda nonsense that ensues. People get all angry and whatnot, the company involved is making statements and issuing apologies and blah, blah blah. It's all quite comical, really, but it generates interest, and thereby sales, and the wheels keep on turning. Not only that, but if enough people get upset about something, they can effect change.

None of that seems to happen in our hobby, of course. The games we play are inundated with time-honored, self-perpetuating stereotypes.

Until next time, folks- exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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