Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time Versus Fun

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

I promise that next week I'll return you to our irregularly scheduled program, which will be a 'Politically Incorrect Gamer' post featuring my good-time buddy Loquacious. In the meantime, however....

Eventually every blogger writes a post about time, or the lack of it.
This is mine.


So one of the things that constantly amazes me about Terrans is their need to begin their days so friggin' early. Like, at dawn.
I understand that at one time, Terrans had to get everything done during daylight hours and be huddled in their lil' caves cuz nocturnal beasties would get 'em, or whatevs, but really now. What good is electricity if we only use it to illuminate night-time sporting events? How is that making my life easier?

'Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'
I would tell you to go fly a kite, but you totally did that....

Sigh @ life getting in the way of fun. In a perfect world, fun would come first.
'Yeah, I won't be coming in today, cuz I'm totally gonna finish highlighting these models.'
...that would be da awesome.
But, no...the world we live in demands varying levels of our attention, depending on the circumstances. In fact, there's rarely a time when life isn't tapping us on the shoulder and screwing up our plans to sit, relax and watch a good ol' fashioned tentacle hentai...

*Hey, you do yer thing, and I'll do mine....*

The worst part about spending alla yer time doing responsibility life stuffs is that it can take alla fun outta livin,' really. There are times in one's life where this is unavoidable, and really, waddayagonnado?
Stuff happens, for better or worse, and ya gotta deal with it.
Models get dusty. Glues, paints and brushes get pushed aside or tucked away. First ya miss one game night, and pretty soon game night is a distant memory and you find yerself bumping into one of the cats you used to game with, talkin' 'bout, 'hey, remember game night?'

Nah, man...ya gotta carve out a lil' fun fer yerself.
I just spoke with the Ultimate Rival and confirmed our Garage Game for later today, and I've gotta come up with a list before then and...
...yes, there's totally ten other far more important things I could feasibly be doing...
Ohmygod, I've got a ton of laundry to do. Like, literally. A ton. Seriously.
Yep, the bedroom sure could use a vacuuming. But the vacuum still resents me for that whole Playboy Channel/Emergency Room episode,, thanks.
Or maybe I could clean out the frig, cuz there's some leftovers in there that are starting to resemble my Xenos relatives.

*I demand you release Uncle Frank immediately!*

I will do none of that.
I'm gonna totally sneak out, cuz the Crazy Lady I Live With has assigned the aforementioned chores to yours truly, being the sadistic overlord she is.
I'm gonna totally sneak out, and I'm gonna play with my toy soldiers, dammit.
Yes, I am totally aware that the Crazy Lady will do some of the stuffs I'm catting out on, and I will get yelled at. A lot.
But hey, life is short, and sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do to carve out a lil' fun fer yerself, amirite? It can't all be work, followed by copious amounts of seemingly redundant chores.

Nope, this skinny lil' Xeno is outtie, ya heard?

*Who knows where the madness will end?*

Here's what I foresee happening:

-I spend the whole time complaining about how I gotta get home early and do chores.
-The Ultimate Rival ROFLStomps me, mocking me enthusiastically the entire time.
-I return home in shame, hanging my head. I do laundry in silent sadness.

Yay, fun!

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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