Sunday, November 25, 2012

You Hafta Say Zoom When You Move Your Flyer

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

So, many Special Rules does 40k have again?
...I counted EIGHTY, from Acute Senses (which totally changed to some outflank-y thing now), to Zealot (which is new to me).


That's redonkulous.
Combine that with the fact that it seems like Games Workshop seemingly threw the 5th Edition Rulebook out a random window and started from scratch, and I gotta tell ya I'm finding my initial read-through of 6th Edition to be pretty darn funny.

*This is how I feel when I think I'm starting to understand the whole thing*

 I know the reason I think it's so funny is because 40k 6th Edition is deliberately written this way.
It's supposed to be redonkulous.
Want proof?
Look no further than the Flyer rules- what's the first thing the rulebook says they're capable of doing?
They Zoom.
No way a serious game has flying units that Zoom. They might have flying units that jet, or scream, or blast across their respective battlefields, but they would never Zoom.
Zooming is silly. If used as a rule in a miniatures game, it basically implies a sound effect will be made during use. At the very least, there will be a 'whoosh.'
It's almost mandatory, fer cryin' out loud.

*Go ahead. Their use is encouraged*

I can only think that this ruleset, when combined with a handful of the new Codexes via the Allies Matrix in a game with a 2,000 point cap would be...catastrophically hysterical.
Even one unit charging another (if they can pull it off, that is), could potentially result in a literal plethora of rules being triggered and put into effect. The resolution of such an interaction might very well be quite complex, as well.
Eeesh, by the time you get to the guy with the Unwieldy weapon, you might hafta call it a night.

And yeah, this edition seems to thumb it's nose a bit at the hyper-competitive, mathammer types. I mean, you could run the numbers on this stuff, but...why? So much random now. If you can't really count on making a charge, I mean, well, you can't count on much of anything as far as I'm concerned.
Hey, yer HQ might roll up a Warlord trait that really helps you out!
Or, y'know...maybe not. Whatevs.

Is it right to point and laugh at someone who comes up short on like, a four inch charge? That's gotta be funny if it ain't happening to you, amirite?

*Heh. Now stand still so I can shoot you better*

Right now I'm still building the models from my starter set, still ingesting both the new rules and my new Codex. I've got thirty-eight lil' Chaos Cultists infesting my hobby desk right now, with more on the way, since the Ultimate Rival went and bought a second box set...
...Yes, we can judge him.... 
 I already bought the Chaos dudes from his first boxset, so with the stuffs from the second I'll have...entirely too much...
So yeah, I think the whole thing is completely silly. But, yeah, I went and bought a box of the new Raptor/Warp Talon dudes regardless.
...You can't judge me for that. Those models are entirely too cool...and and silly...

*Chaos with wings! Yes, wings -_-*

And please, don't ask me to look at the Heldrake and not LOL. It ain't happening....

*Grrr! Just point me at Godzilla!*

Will I eventually buy a Heldrake?
Yeah, probably.
I mean, c'mon- lookit how silly that thing is! How could I possibly resist that?
And it Zooms!

I'm trying to figure out why I wanna play this (very silly) game.
There's always crushing the Ultimate Rival, of course. That's a given.
The thing is- I already know how horribly expensive it is, how imbalanced (check the rule for Imperial Statuary. Blah, I say). I'm sure Games Workshop isn't gonna do much of anything to make me happy.
I know that, sooner or later (prolly sooner), I'm gonna start riffin' 'bout this (very silly) game.

As I ready myself for my first clash against the Ultimate Rival and his...I dunno, Dark-Blood Angel amalgamation, I find myself amused.
Cautiously amused.

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!


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