Friday, January 25, 2013

Gaming on a Budget - Things You Shouldn't Buy (Vol. 2)

Hey folks, Lauby here.  With Lo out for a Winter War and me taking a blogging day off in honor of MLK, I thought it might be a good idea to have a few more posts this week.

A long ass time ago.  wait!  Holy shit!  Almost EXACTLY a year ago (!!), I did a gaming on a budget piece about three things that weren't worth the money.  Here's the link for those of you, like me, who have damaged your memory with alcohol at least once in the last year.  Or maybe you bummed around with space banditos.  No idea.  No judgement.  These are just a few possible scenarios that would result in a bad memory.

THESE guys again....

Since the last episode, the fine folks at Wyrd updated the Malifaux rule book.  It now contains the same stuff that's in the little rule book AND they got rid of their retarded page arrangement.  A useful rule book AND a great intro to the fuff?  Awesome.

Which brings us to today's list of things you should not buy:

1.) Infinity Rulebook - 2nd Edition.  So I start off with a bit of a bummer.  I love Infinity.  I've got three of my local buds playing with me in the new (old) town and things are going great.  Best table top game I've ever played.  Sadly, the main rule book is a waste of paper at this point.

Table top war games are complicated animals - no matter what a publisher does, there always seems to be something that needs MASSIVE clarification.  The trend these days is to move past GW's "fuck you, the game is fine" policy towards constant, up-to-date FAQ's that exist outside of a regularly published or re-published book.

Since it's initial release in 2008(ish) Infinity has joined the ranks of such notables as Malifaux and  HoMachine by also having an actual set of rules that isn't accurately reflected in the rule books.  And I mean, man, the actual Infinity rules as writeen out in the FREE PDF version and the even more FREE wiki are often wildly different from what the original print book says.  And not in a beneficial way either.  Like if you're playing strictly by the hard copy rules, you're actually playing a less fun version of the game.  Add to that a translation from Spanish that borders on gibberish in a few places (translated from Spanish to English via a Frenchman, I'm told) and even the setting info comes off as a big old 'blah'.

So, is $50 bucks worth it?  No.  Buy Campaign Paradiso instead.

SinSynn: I am acutely aware that this entry may harsh your buzz something fierce  let me offer this to smooth things over:

2) Armory Spray Primer.  This stuff is just absolutely terrible.  And if you disagree with me, you are wrong.  Also you are dumb and a fart.  Now I know I've harped on this stuff before, but I need to pad out the list a bit.  Anyway - some people swear by this stuff (and would have it's babies if possible) and others have never had a good experience with it.  The people in the last category have probably said 'fuck' a lot if their experience was anything like mine.

It may just come down to poor quality control on the manufacturer's part, and it may also be the best thing ever if you get a good can.  However, I'm not one to pay for the privilege of playing Russian Roulette with my models.

Holy crap that Megan Fox GIF is distracting... It has seriously taken me 10 minutes to write those last two paragraphs. Huh.  Wait .. what was I saying?  No... what?  Doesn't matter. Moving along (and hanging a piece of paper over the top half of my screen).

3) Andrea Press Publishing Painting Guides in Languages you Don't Speak.  Some of you maybe familiar with the stuff that Andrea Press puts out.  If not, here's a link to the US store front so you can become acquainted.  Ok?  We're on the same page now?  Good.  Anyway, the Andrea books are pretty highly regarded and extremely useful as instructional aids.  HOWEVER, most of the really good stuff tends to be out of print in English.  I don't know if it's because Andrea is a Spanish company, if it's because there are more English speaking hobbyists or a combination of the two.

What I do know is that I bought the Spanish version of this thinking I could figure out based on my success doing the same with some of the older Massive Voodoo tutorials.  It turns out that at some point I had confused 'being able to basically read German" with "being able to basically read Spanish" and ended up paying for the mistake.  On top of that, since the Europeans have a much more robust miniature painting hobby scene, they also have much better access to paints.  A fact the Andrea folks smartly took advantage of throughout the book.  This has the unfortunate side effect of making it significantly harder for to duplicate the steps in the book since I can't even find a local store that sells more than 20 of the Vallejo paints.

I'd also like to point out that if you plan on checking ebay for these, if a seller says a book is out of print, make sure that's the case before bidding.

All right guys, have a good weekend!

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