Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Winter Project. The Plot Sickens...

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

So the Holiday season has come and gone. The Crazy Lady's two brood-mates (sister and cousin) have retreated to whatever mausoleums they usually haunt, and everyone in the great city where I live is bundling up against the cold and returning to their normal, grumpy selves, resigned to suffering through about two to three months of the winter doldrums.
This is a bleak time of year- icy winds whip down lifeless, empty blocks, rattling the branches of the odd sad, skeletal tree poking up out of the concrete. Considering my block is usually teeming with humanity, it strikes a melancholy chord in me as I peak out the window. For most of the year, I very much enjoy mingling with the Terrans on the stoops of our respective buildings, but waddayagonnado?
Winter is settling in.

*Traffic cops are still lurking about, though. You can bet that double-parked van will get a ticket*

It is entirely too cold to hang out in the gaming garage, and much to the Ultimate Rival's frustration, I am more than a little reluctant to get up early on a Saturday or Sunday and take the drive upstate to the gamestore.
I really, really like to sleep late on the weekends....if I'm not working. Blah.

For the record, sleeping late means 'till ten AM. The Ultimate Rival, having served in the military, has a very skewed sense of what 'sleeping late' is. Needless to say, he's a knucklehead who wakes up with the dawn and starts yelling at peoples. I'd happily sleep through a Saturday or two if circumstances would allow that.
Anyway, the bottom line is that not a lot of actual games are gonna get played until Spring. But hey, that's what hobby projects are for, amirite?
So I've started plotting mine...

I've already sorta gotten off on a bad foot, having bought two boxes of Warp Talons before I read the stupid Jump Pack rules.
So basically, you can only use your Jump Pack to move or charge, but not both. If you use your Jump Pack in the movement phase (to move 12 inches), you cannot re-roll your charge distance. Apparently, even if your fancy gloves can cut through the fabric of reality itself, you can still come up an teensy bit short on your charge.
Coming in at thirty points each, Warp Talons are a glass hammer, pretty much. They would absolutely tear stuff up if they reach combat, but since they can't even hold a pistol in their spiky hands they've pretty much gotta hide while they attempt to advance and engage the enemy. Granted, they'll probably kill whoever they manage to catch, but otherwise won't be contributing anything and will likely require protection, to ensure they stay alive and hopefully fulfill their mission...which is killing the entire enemy army, right?

I've been completely enamored of the Maulerfiend since I first laid eyes on it, and I was pretty much stuck on the idea of 'Maulerfiend rush,' so I needed a unit that could work with them in a synergistic fashion....

...Yes, SinSynn is gettin' all tactical and whatnot. Shaddup, you, and don't you judge me- I've gotta compete with the Ultimate Rival and his friggin' OP powergamer lists...

...So I was initially thinking of running the Warp Talons behind the Maulerfiends. Two squads of ten is expensive, however, and I'm sure the enemy would do everything in their power to gun down the Maulerfiends to expose the Warp Talons.
The more I thought of it, the less I liked that idea. I needed something that would present an equally potent threat, to run side-by-side, and not behind the Maulerfiends. Hopefully, this would occupy the enemy forces, allowing me to use my troops to take objectives or whatever.
...See? Tactical, me.
There's another entry in the Fast Attack slot that fit the bill, however.
The Chaos Spawn.
No, seriously...

*Chaos Bikers ride Triumphs, da Beakies ride rice know it's true*

Yes, I'm sure a Chaos Spawn Rush is both a fun and somewhat effective thing to do, and believe me I considered it. I mean, c'mon- think of the tentacles, man. I kinda wanted something that could maybe shoulder a couple of special weapons, though. Having a melta or plasma gun, and preferably one of each, is ever so handy when tanks and termies show up.
So, yeah- Chaos Bikers. Twenty points each when purchased bare bones, they have a third of a page worth of options available to them. Basically, they have access to everything the standard Chaos 'tactical' marine does except a Heavy Weapon - Marks, Icons, a pair of Special Weapons for a squad of ten, and the usual goodies for the Champ: CC power weapons, combi-guns and Gift of Mutation.

Building my new Chaos army will be my wintertime project, and I'm trying to go about it in an efficient manner. Naturally, doing things in an efficient manner is difficult for me. Next time I do it, I'll try to do the proper research and ensure my initial purchases will actually be part of my basic 'core' list.
I'm sure the Warp Talons will see use eventually, just as I'm sure I will eventually have to try running some Autocannon Havoks in place of the Maulerfiends, cuz they're supposed to be so good, and I like the models. I'd hafta get the Forge World Autocannons...those are cool.
I'd probably run two squads with Autocannons, and a squad in a Rhino carrying Plasma Guns so they could do 'terminator drive-by' killings.

Sigh...see? That's what I do- I get these ideas, and pulled off-course.

*This guy had to be a friend of the producer, or sumpthin,' right?*

Before I went ahead and purchased three Maulerfiends, I took the advice of some better 40k players than myself (and yes, that's pretty much everybody), and made room in my Heavy Support slots for a squad of three Oblitorators for a bit of longe-range shooty, since I had, uh...none.

I also had someone point out that while a huge blob of Cultists is absolutely a good thing, they get much better when accompanied by a Character. So I dropped the Lord on bike, and the points I saved allowed me to squeeze in the Oblits.
The Lord will stomp around on foot now, he'll hang out with the Cultists and keep them in line. Coincidentally, he also makes them fearless.

I think that's 'bout it with the changes, so now the list looks like this:

-Chaos Lord in Termie Armor

-32 cultists- CC weapons and pistols

-2 Squads of Chaos Marines, 10 in each
Mark of Nurgle
Combi-Plasma for Champ
Melta gun for troopie
Plasma gun for troopie
Rhino w/Havoc Launcher

-2 Squads of Chaos Bikers, 10 in each
Mark of Slaanesh
Icon of Excess
Lightning Claw for Champ
Melta gun for biker
Plasma gun for biker

-2 Maulerfiends

-Squad of 3 Obliterators


That comes out to 1995 points...I can sneak in another Cultist!
I ended up dropping the Power Weapons from the Chaos Marines and the Combi-Plasmas from the bikers- I'm not totally happy 'bout that but I really wanted to squeeze in the Heldrake and still have a nice clump of Cultists.

I'll be making some calls this week- a lot of places offer up to 20% discounts on GW stuffs, and to be perfectly honest I could really use that. Chaos bikers hafta be purchased individually, and list price on those suckers is fifteen bucks a pop. Three hundred bucks for two squads of bikers seems a lil' steep to me, so yeah, I'll be trying to get whatever discount I can.
And despite the fact that I really, really want a Daemon Prince, I'm gonna try to reign myself in, and not buy stuffs I don't absolutely need.

I'll just hafta re-roll any 'Dark Apotheosis' results I get.
'Lack of funds- cannot transform.'

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!


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