Sunday, February 24, 2013

Are You SURE That's How That Rule Works?

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

You know what I love?
Losing games cuz yer a nice guy. That always tickles my irony bone.
Y'know- sometime during the game, you let your opponent take a move back, or gave in to a questionable ruling, just cuz you didn't want to argue, or whatevs.
Then you end up losing.

My buddy Nascar has gotta be laughing his butt off after our Infinity fiasco yesterday, where he won three straight offa me.
Cheating the whole damn time, it turns out.

*Yup, that's TOTALLY how that rule works*

Not that he did it deliberately, mind you, but I did hafta suffer a lot of smack talking afterwards.
Friggin' jerk.
I'm not gonna lie, though, arguments like this make gaming a lotta fun for me:

Nascar (looking at his army list): 'Oh, man, we gotta go back.'
Me: 'Wadda you mean?'
Nascar: 'When you killed my TAG. There's a pilot that's supposed to eject. I forgot about the pilot.'
Me: -_-
Nascar: 'No, seriously. There's a pilot.'
Me: 'Son, that is like halfway back in MY active turn. I lost like three dudes killing that thing. You wounded my Heavy Infantry guy. We've done a lot of stuff since then. Now you tell me a pilot gets out...'
Nascar: 'Yes.'
Me: 'How is it my fault you forgot? Now you remember, like an hour later, and I'm supposed to...what? Say "Oh, I'm sorry, buddy. Let's take all those moves back and do it all over again, so this guy can try to and weasel another figure onto the table?" Is that what yer saying?'
Nascar: '...Yes.'
Me: '...And yer serious? I'm supposed to agree to this, when CLEARLY this is detrimental to me? Not only is your forgetfulness NOT my fault, but this could end up hurting my chances of winning?'
Nascar (longer pause this time): '......Yes.'
Me (exploding): 'WHAT? Dude, yer outta yer mind! This is crazy!'
Nascar (explodes right along with me): 'I KNOW! It's ridiculous!'
Me (laughing despite myself): 'Fine. Yer an ass. Roll for it right now, and if you pass it, then we'll go back and you can put yer stupid pilot on the table. Friggin' jerk.'
Nascar (grinning like a fool): 'Cool.'

Naturally, he immediately made the roll, and we had to re-trace a lengthy series of events and return all the models back to their proper places.
Turns out, his Haqqislam Iguana Squadron Pilot gets out with a Heavy Machine Gun.

*Yeah, I hate these guys. Cool models, but I still hate 'em.*

And, of course, I proceed to get ROFL-stomped.
I managed to kill the pilot, but a combination of Nascar catching a critical on my Heavy Infantry Guy (named Charontid), and then killing all my Sneaky Sneaky Shas due to an abundance of Multi Spectral Visors in his army did me in.
Oh, whoops- turns out Nascar was misinformed. Multi Spectral Visor Level 2 (which is what he had) does NOT work the way he says it does, but...well, nevermind...
I mighta befitted by remembering some rules, too. Like Automedkit, or Valor: No Wound Incapacitation, or even the Multi Spectral Visor rule actually; even though my army has limited access to them, they will often be used against me.

Regardless, I had awful dice yesterday, and I prolly woulda lost anyway.
The truth is, Saturday Infinity Games are a lotta fun, and all I can do is laugh. I haven't gamed so much like, ever. I've already played a ton of Infinity, and Nascar and I are approaching the point where we might actually start getting some of the rules right.

*Yeah, we're like, Infinity experts. Got a question? Ask away*

If I was asked 'wadda you like best about the hobby?' I would absolutely say, 'playing silly games with my friends.'
That may be kind of a trick answer, cuz technically I consider everyone else in the hobby my friend, by merit of association, but whatevs.

When it comes right down to it, our Infinity Saturdays are still a sad state of affairs. Some of my Infinity models are primed, but all are unpainted. Half of our armies are proxied with Chaos Cultists. I'm using paper cutout templates and playing on a bare piece of plywood covered in various random household items.

What makes it awesome, though, is that in our heads, Nascar and I are fighting a high-tech, sci-fi espionage run and gun battle, each of our covert spec-ops teams attempting to hack the data from the objective and make off with it.
A multitude of bullets, rockets and even guided sniper rounds zip back and forth, stealth suit equipped soldiers infiltrate behind enemy lines and wreak havok on support troops, forward observers tag targets for missile barrages, giant alien robots disengage their camouflage to blast hapless enemies with Plasma Rifles...
I mean, it may not look like that's what's goin' on, but that's what's goin' on...y'know what I mean?

*Yes, the lil' grey plastic models are totally doing THIS as they battle over the CD cases  and random hardcover books*

While I suppose I enjoy a good list discussion as much as the next guy, that kinda thing will never be the focus of my hobby. I can't see myself ever going to a tournament actually expecting to win anything. I find myself genuinely amused of late on websites where the whole focus is on fine-tuning your army to the point where it crushes all da n00bs that dare stand before it.
I'm not judging, of course, but the reason I visit these places is to chuckle at the 'srs bzns' of it all, pretty much. Gotta say I love a good 'Codex Dissection' over at Bell of Lost Souls!'

Not enough people write posts outlining strategies for dealing with cheating friends, if you ask me. And, lest we forget, these games we play? Yeah...they're silly. Fer real. Silly.
Nowadays, important matches at big tournaments get live streamed over the internet. I would love to see what would happen if one of the players in the finals was like 'oh man, we gotta go back.'

I mean, really, what's the worst that could happen?

Until next time, folks- exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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