Sunday, February 10, 2013

Recovery Sunday, Sneaky Sneaky Shas and How to Lose in Infinity

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

Judging by the way I feel today, I can already tell that Saturday Night Infinity Games are going to lead into a lot of Recovery Sundays. Right now I absolutely realize that what I'm feeling isn't a Hobby Hangover, but an actual hangover... for which I blame my buddy Nascar, natch.
I iz an Angel. We all know this, right?
...Don't you judge me...
It was game night. What, am I not supposed to get a bit lifted on game night?
Hmph. No one told me. I'm not some cool Euro-Gamer, who meets his gaming club in a bar, fer cryin' out loud. Those cats have their priorities straight.

I prolly wouldn't even be awake right now, except the Crazy Lady I Live With thought it would be amusing to make all kindsa extra unnecessary noise as she prepped for doggy walks around noon, bless her lil' heart.
'Where are those boots I haven't worn for like ten years? Surely they must be at the absolute bottom of the closet, far, far in the back. Oh, my. Whatever shall I do? I'll hafta take everything out, and then put it all back. But on the plus side, I'll make some room to store these fifty wind chimes, which I've hung here temporarily...Oh, look- the cat is playing with them. Isn't that cute?'
...She's from the Devil, I swear.

*Pic on left: 'wake up' / Pic on right: 'WAKE UP, GODDAMMIT!'*

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What? Huh?
I'm awake...I just fell asleep with my head on the keyboard for a second....mmmm....comfy keyboard...
Sheesh....okay....writing a post now.....

Before I get started talkin' 'bout stuffs, I just wanted to share a great gaming moment I had last night. Nascar and myself had discovered the joys of Aleph Toolbox, (which is an awesome Infinity army builder app that even works on my iPhone, for those that don't feel like clicking) and we decided to write up a couple of 200 point lists, using whatever units we felt like using, and we would just proxy everything. Nascar ended up using several Chaos Cultists as substitutes, since he had managed to come up with a ten-model list.
Much to my surprise, Nascar came up with a perfectly legal list, entirely consisting of pure friggin' evil.
I would love to share the list with you, cuz it was bristling with heavy weapons and troopies with special abilities, but ummm....
Nascar handed it to me after the game, asking me to save it for next time since obviously it was awesome, and it suffered a horrible accident and was somehow torn into a bajillion tiny lil' bits.
Dunno how it happened...

My list consisted of five models. Basically it was a couple of Morats (average line troopies), a couple of Shrouded (sneaky camo guys who can lay anti-personnel mines), and this guy...

*Yes, I absolutely laughed like Doctor Evil when I pushed this model around on the table*

Had I known that Nascar would craft something deadly, and would suddenly go from conveniently forgetting negative modifiers granted by Partial Cover to conveniently remembering the rules for both Panzerfausts and Speculative Fire, I definitely woulda drawn up something a tad more 'orders-efficient,' but waddayagonnado?
I was to learn a buncha valuable lessons, it turns out...

So the game starts, I leave the pair of Morats in the back (one of them is my Lieutenant. Gotta keep him safe), and my three sneaky, sneaky Shasvastii started creeping towards the enemy as they loaded their wetwork software.
*Evil, overly toothy Xenos grin*
I met Nascar's troopies at an intersection. One of the Shrouded doubled back to lay some mines that would cover my delicate Xenos hindquarters, the second Shrouded covered the alleyway I was approaching the enemy from, as did the Sphinx...since I only had six orders to work with....
Nascar had eleven.
Sigh & *facepalm* @ self for not at least using a list from the Infinity Forum...I'm pretty sure there's a thread about the Sphinx in 200 point lists...

The first of his troopies that stuck his face around the corner got it immediately blown off via an Automatic Reaction Order from the Sphinx (Greatest. Game Mechanic. Ever), and even though the sacrificial idiot didn't succeed in his 'Discover' roll (he was trying to reveal one of the Shrouded. All he sees at this point are markers on the table, due to my sneaky, sneaky Shas Camo), I end up revealing the Sphinx to kill him. I use Short Skill: Move in ARO with the rear Shrouded, actually, so he can cover the approach to his mines. Nascar is using all of his orders to converge on the intersection.
Turns out the guy I killed had a HMG!
...Camo rawks. I luvs me some camo...

Nevertheless, the Sphinx has revealed himself, and Nascar has about seven miniatures and as many orders right around the corner.
I would go on to kill his Janissary, but the Sphinx would suffer a point of damage. The Shrouded who was in the alley with the Sphinx aided in the firefight, passed an armor save and failed a guts roll, so he retreated around the corner and joined his comrade overwatching the mines.
It was a standoff back there. Nascar had two troopies at the other end of the street, one on each corner. Eventually they manged to pierce the second Shrouded's camo, but he managed to shoot one of them in return...
Who got right back up, thanks to Regeneration.
Son of a...

The Sphinx is in a bad spot, left standing alone in Death Alley. I uses my first couple of orders to move him to the corner, careful to only gain Line of Sight to a single enemy (the one I plan to murder, natch), and I hose that fool down with a Heavy Flamethrower. He fails to dodge, and dies screaming in flames...
Or at least Nascar did a convincing impression of that happening. It went on for several pain-filled minutes.

The Sphinx retreats back down the alley a bit, and I use my final order to re-engage his Thermo-Optic Camouflage. Nascar will have to come around the corner to get me, and I'll get the first shot, since he can't see me.
Sneaky sneaky. Nyah-nyah.

*Was kicked out of the Combined Army for being 'too much of a p_ssy,' according to official sources*

Fortunately, Nascar was down a few models, and didn't have the luxury of tossing orders about willy-nilly. It was also pretty clear that whosoever was gonna poke his or her mug around the corner was gonna have it forcibly removed from his or her body.
It was then that Nascar decided it was time for the 'direct template weapon'/'Speculative Fire' trick, and I was forced to reveal the Sphinx while making a Dodge roll with a -6 modifier.
Sheesh- that was close! I dodge backwards, naturally. Tactical retreat an' alla dat...
Around the corner comes a troopie with something called a Chain Rifle.
I hate Chain Rifles, it turns out.

I put a wound on Mr. Chain Rifle, but he has the V: Dogged special rule, which means that as long as Nascar continues to spend consecutive orders on this guy, he'll stay on his feet until he either takes another wound or runs outta orders.
The Sphinx dodges the next Chain Rifle shot, but Mr. Chain Rifle gets four inches close to the Sphinx in the process. I'm not concerned. What could this puny human do to my mighty, mighty Sphinx in Close Combat?
It is to laugh, right?

Turns out Mr. Chain Rifle has some sorta EMP thingy...and I hate those, it turns out.
He sets it off, and I'm caught in the blast radius. I immediately fail my saving throw (a BTS roll, which stands for 'Bio-Technological Something,' I think). Despite the fact that I spend the next twenty minutes trying to weasel out of it (there's gotta be something in the rulebook!!!), my mighty, mighty Sphinx is Immobilized.
*Long, drawn out wail of Xenos pain*
A bunch of grimy Haqqislam troops rush around the corner and quickly disassembled Johnny Five in a horribly grotesque manner.

*With guns and knives. Which totally should've happened in the movie*

Mr. Chain Rifle dropped dead of his wounds immediately after setting off the EMP, of course, but the damage was done. His buddies reduced my lovely TAG (which has gotta stand for 'Totally Awesome Guy,' right? Or 'Girl,' whichever is applicable) to so much biomechanical scrap.
During my turn, I sent one of the Shrouded back into the alley and gunned a single Haqq jerk down in anger. He had a couple of friends with him, though, and they filled my poor lil' Shas full o' holes.
My other Shrouded managed to get a headshot on the enemy down the block (which means he failed his Regeneration roll. No brainz, no Regeneration. Nyah) I tried to sneaky sneaky up to a rooftop, but wandered right into the LoS of a Haqqislam Sniper, who put a round through my left ventricle with his Automatic Reaction Order (Worst. Game Mechanic. Ever.).

My two Morats, who were still hangin' out in the back doin' pretty much nuthin,' suddenly remembered they had important Comlog calls to make, and would ya look at that? They both left their comlogs at home today. Crazy, right? Lucky for them rotten Haqq troops, cuz I swear by the Evolved Intelligence...
Anyway, they were like, 'see ya!' and they jetted.

It goes without saying that Nascar is no longer welcome in my apartment.

Regardless, that was one of the most off-the-hook mini gaming sequences I've ever played out ever. Nascar pulled off a good one, and he deserves credit for it. I, of course, will never give it to him, but whatevs.

Our second game night went much smoother than our first. In review, we made a small handful of mistakes on the first night. I had my smartphone locked on the Rules PDF's all week, and as I perused them I realized we had done a few things wrong. I've been discussing my venture into Infinity with the Forumites at their website, and they helped me sort some things out.
I'm usually not one for forums, but I gotta say the Infinity forums are quite pleasant, and I'd be worse off without them. Infinity is pretty deep, but thanks to not just the forums, but resources like the Infinity Wiki, the videos and tutorials available on the 'Beginning' page (which I sat and watched with Nascar), I'm learning to play it.
I still bumped into some questions I couldn't quickly resolve (exactly how do I use dual heavy flamethrowers?), and muddled through until I could work them out later, but progress is being made. Not for nuthin,' but Infinity does feature a satisfying level of complexity beyond the other tabletop mini games I've played. Thankfully, things like applying the several modifiers and whatnot that apply to virtually every situation that arises, working out the many face-to-face rolls that occur every turn and what have you stop just shy of being annoying maths...cuz I hate maths, 'cept fer counting money.

I'd hafta recommend starting with the quickstart rules (available here, along with like, anything else you might need to play Infinity fer free), and taking a bit of a slower approach than Nascar and I did initially, but hey- live and learn, right?
For future reference, avoid Chain Rifles, EMP's and the horrible lil' troopies that carry them.

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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