Sunday, March 31, 2013

If I Leave GW Behind, Where Do I go From There? Anywhere I'd Like, That's Where

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

Oh, boy.
I am completely and utterly hung over right now. I feel like a kicker in the NFL must feel like after he gets pummeled by a gang of defensive linemen. Kickers clock in at about 110 pounds, dripping wet, right? And yer average defensive lineman is usually about seven feet tall, weighs 300 pounds and is constructed of solid muscle and whatever it is they make iron out of...
Which, now that I think about it, is prolly...iron?
...ouch, that hurts...
Thinking, that is...thinking hurts.

That's not a good sign, cuz I've got a (now very late) post to write, and if I can't think straight (notice I didn't say 'properly,' since we all know...well, you know...), this ain't gonna be easy.

Where is my Hamster?

Oh, great- he left a 'do not disturb' note on the back of a fortune cookie slip and stuck it in my ear. Lemme find out he's got some gerbil floozy in there with him, or is passed out with some of his squirrel buddies and I'll be washing varmint vomit outta my cranium later...

*This is so very, very true*

To tell ya the truth, it wasn't even like I did a whole bunch of bad stuffs like suck down an entire bottle of  Jack Daniel's, or burn about half of Jamaica's primary yearly export and re-enact a scene from the basement of 'That 70's Show.'
Since I'm currently sitting here shivering in a room with both of the windows thrown wide open so The Crazy Lady I Live With can air it out, since she claims it smells like the back of the van Cheech and Chong drove in the classic movie 'Up in Smoke' would have smelled if it had a wet bar in it, I can't pretend certain intoxicants have absolutely nothing to do with how I feel. There is a teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, wee sliver of a chance that I maybe, just maybe, possibly somehow might have ever-so-slightly over-indulged on Friday night...and last night again...

*Hamster posted this on his Instagram account at 5am*

*And this one at 5:30 of the Easter Bunny gettin' prepped for his big day. Can whoever took my lighter return it please? Thanks*

Actually, there were no real reality-show level hijinks goin' on over the weekend, but I did break night on both Friday and again last night.
Y'see- I received a big ol' box from the War Store during the week, and due to the fact that I was still working 12 plus hour days I didn't really have time to dig into it until Friday night. Inside the box there were nine blister packs for Infinity, and a set of templates for the game as well.

Yep, I was totally singing this.

So there I was, on Friday night, coming back from hanging out with my stupid friends following a 2am diner run. Happily bloated on waffles and bacon, and slightly pepped from too much coffee too late at night, I decided to tear into the box upon my return home.
At like 7am The Crazy Lady came into the living room and found both myself and the majority of the floor, furniture, walls and ceiling covered in packing peanuts, while I danced naked around a pile of lil' Infinity packages and half-built figs. I'm pretty sure I was tripping balls on this cheap Chinese glue I buy at the bodega around the corner, cuz when she woke me up at the ungodly hour of one in the afternoon I saw that I had attached a lotta legs where arms should be, and heads to where legs should be and whatnot.
Good thing Infinity models are metal, and cheap Chinese glue is,!

Anyway, it was Saturday, and it wasn't too long before my good-time buddy Nascar called. I had informed him about the box earlier in the week, and there was no way he wasn't gonna get his hands on da goods- three of the models were Haqq troopies, which are basically his. Nascar is currently under-employed, so I've been funding his Infinity adventure. He's been my boy for like, ever, though, so I don't mind. Infinity is comparatively cheap compared to other games, too, so it's not a big deal to pick up an extra fig or three in the mix.

*This is an Al Hawwa Sniper, one of the figs we picked up. Cool, right?*

We spent the bulk of the afternoon and evening assembling troopies, listening to music and misbehaving a little. We set up and started playing what would turn out to be a long, tense game at around midnight. I ran a new list that had two units capable of dropping into the enemy deployment zone, and Nascar broke out a list with twelve units- ten in one group and two impetuous troops in the second.
I managed to win first turn, and get the perfect drop for my Combat Jump troop (Ko-Dali, newly kidnapped and brainwashed by the Combined army from the weakling human faction known as Yu Jing), who landed right next to the Impersonator extraordinaire, the Speculo Killer.
*broad, overly toothy Xenos grin*

The shooting began immediately. And the dying. It was an awesome game, and I won by the smallest of margins. I ran a very aggressive list- two elite troopies into the enemy backfield and double HMG's advancing from my deployment towards the enemy, using Multi-Spectral Visors to fire through smoke generated by a pair of Impetuous War Band soldiers. I also had an Infiltrating Mine Layer turning the main route between the DZ's into a deathtrap, and Xenos anti-personnel mines claimed two Haqqislam lives thanks to his efforts.
The list will see some fine-tuning, but I like the core so far. Dual HMG's advancing through smoke towards the enemy while my two evil alien ladies wreak havoc in their backfield is entirely too much fun.

I poured Nascar into a cab at around 3am, and then came home and put everything away. Setting up/breaking down an Infinity table is no small task, and after all was said and done, it was easily 4 in the morning when I sat down at the computer and...
...and I'm pretty sure I hit 'place order' on a 200 dollar shopping cart Nascar and I had put together earlier...

Yeah, The Crazy Lady is gonna flip when she sees a second package in two weeks...

After that, I sat and made lists until I dozed off in my comfy chair. The sun was coming up.  A while later, The Crazy Lady woke up, found me passed out at the desk with the Aleph Toolbox open on my computer, shook me to life, and helped me stagger to the bedroom.

So, yeah- I'm a lil' beat up, and maybe it wasn't wise to like, NOT get a proper amount of sleep during the first two consecutive days I've had off from work in a while, but whatevs. I'm really amped on Infinity, and I was looking forward to Infinity Saturday/Recovery Sunday all week.

Not only did I order the Hawt Twi'lek Tentacle-Head Alien Girl, Cadmus-Naish Agent Sheskiin, and an entire four man Link Team of Gwailos for her to boss around, but I also picked up something nice for Nascar's Haqq:

*The Kaplan Services box set. These guys look nasty- I sure hope they're not Linkable*

*And here's my new girl Sheskiin, flashing her Nanoscreen. She can also link with Seed Soldiers as pictured here, but...meh. I'm gonna give the Gwailo link a try. They're Medium Infantry guys and also have Nanoscreens*

Hey, you know what else I ordered?
Paint, and a lot of it! Two sets of Vallejo Model Colors, each containing sixteen lil' bottles. Add that to the dozen or so Reaper brand 1/2 ounce jammies I copped this week at The Compleat Strategist, and I'm good to go in the paint department.

I've never used Vellejo, or Reaper brand paints before. That's why I picked up a bunch of wacky colors when I went to the Compleat Strategist, since I could judge them by eye when I held them in my hand. The Vellejo sets are like, kits- one is a bunch of 'Military' colors, and the other is 'Fantasy' colors.
Nascar and I have begun discussing paint schemes for his Haqq, and he's gonna paint 'em. Next week he'll receive his first lesson. He did well with the building stuffs- the clipping, filing, cutting, etc went fine, and he still has most of his fingers.

The reason I went with Vellejo and Reaper is that I decided I won't be buying anything from Games Workshop any more. Period. That includes paints, and anything and everything else.

I just can't do it any more. And by 'it,' I mean Games Workshop and all of their nonsense. I just can't support them as a company, in any capacity, big or small, any longer. I'm not even mad about it- like many others have said, including myself- I'm just disappointed.
This company is just bad, and I'm tired of dealing with them. It's not just feeling ripped off by the ridiculous prices placed on every item bearing their logo, but being frustrated by virtually every aspect of both the games they make and the policies they enact as a company.
I can no longer continue to support a company that behaves the way they do, that doesn't even make a game that I'm particularly interested in playing, yet has the nerve to try and charge me extremely exorbitant prices for stuffs I don't actually want while simultaneously ignoring me.
No, Games Workshop- I don't want a couple of gigantic, over-priced 'must-have' kits in the new Tau 'dex...but yer gonna give me a big ol' Transformer Robot and a Flyer, ain'tcha?

I don't feel bad about this decision, because after only a couple of weeks of dipping my tentacles into 40k, lookit how much I was riffin.' I mean, I saw this video linked over at Yes The Truth Hurts and I was actually burnt enough to start arguing with this idiot...
Firstly, I haz shame for letting my lack of patience with sheeple get the better of me, and flaming that dumbass.
Secondly- I need to stay away from people like that, and the company that clones them.

*Ohmahgerd! A new Spesh Mareenz Codex haz kum oot!*

I know there's a lot of really cool cats that enjoy 6th Edition 40k- a bunch of you frequent my comments section, and I greatly appreciate you doing so. And hey- who am I to judge anyone for anything, up to and including what miniature games you enjoy?

Frankly, however, I get nervous, and more than a lil' pissed off, at fanbois. That whole 'don't think about it, just buy it' attitude both frightens and angers me. I've got enough fanbois in my regular life- Apple fanbois, Lady GaGa fanbois, The Walking Dead fanbois- you name it, and there's some knucklehead in my life that will try and shove whatever it is down my throat cuz it's 'da greatest thing ever!'
Considering how I feel personally about Games Workshop as a company, I can't see myself getting back into the 40k 'scene,' and having anything happen but my head exploding.

Ok, so, maybe I didn't get a lotta sleep this weekend, and right now I'm either still slightly loopy from last night or having a cheap Chinese glue flashback, but I'll be damned if I didn't have a hell of a good time. In this author's humble opinion, Infinity is the best minigame I've played yet, by far and bar none. Being as happy as I am now because of it, why the heck would I wanna mess with that mojo? What the heck is wrong with me?
(Don't answer that question- it's rhetorical -_-)

I'll admit that the Grimdark has some sort of irrational hold on some small part of my psyche, but goddammit,  I gotta let that go if I wanna stay sane. I know there will always be that small spark, that tiny ember of love that it's seemingly impossible to extinguish, despite GW taking a virtual bucket of water to the thing repeatedly and dousing it, after which they treat me like Ned Beatty in 'Deliverence'...

*Please, just take my wallet and go!*

I'm a 'never say never' kinda Xeno, so anything could happen, but as it stands right now, the only way I can protest a company that I personally feel is slowly poisoning the well that all hobbyists drink from is to not buy their stuffs. I did this once before, and I had no difficulties sticking to it.
It was foolish of me to let the Ultimate Rival pull me back in. I never shoulda let that happen. It took like no time at all before I was P.O'd at Games Workshop again.
Sigh. My bad.
Shoulda oughta known better.

I've been pulled towards Infinity since the moment I laid eyes on it, and now that I'm actually playing it I find myself simply obsessed with the game to the point where I'm hitting the forums on my phone during lunch.
Yeah, that's right- ME, in the forums, at lunch...and loving it. I actually enjoy the forums...I know, I can't believe it either...
And yeah, like many other games on the market now, Infinity gets updated every friggin' month with new models and all that jazz. Y'know- the usual. All those things that GW has never done, will never do. I don't even need to list them any more, do I?

So it's time to follow my hobby heart, and just admit to myself that Games Workshop isn't a company that I wanna mess with any more, and the next time the Ultimate Rival tries to weasel me, to just say no.

*I'm afraid you'll have to put the Beakie back in the bag, sir*

I've been thinking about expanding my gaming a bit lately, and I've been looking for something new. Lauby and Dethtron have captured my interest with their 'Dropzone Commander' review series here at the House of Paincakes, for instance...

Part One is HERE.
Part Two is HERE.

And I've been scoping out Spartan Games Dystopian Wars as well. I'm really feeling the itch for large-scale conflicts, played out with really tiny models.
Fortunately for me, I've got a willing co-conspirator in my buddy Nascar, a job that pays me enough to scratch these itches, should I so desire, and a nearly endless vista of games to explore out there. If anybody has a game the'd like to recommend, feel free- I'm still in the very early stages of searching for something of this nature.

Dystopian Wars DOES look pretty cool, though, I gotta say. Spartan Games has a good reputation as well, from what I understand.
Giant walking fortresses, bristling with cannons? Flying aircraft carriers with little stands of tiny flying jets landing and taking off from 'em? Submarines with mechanical tentacles? 
All of this served up on an enormous scale with a system capable of accomodating battles on land, sea and in the air?
Played out with really tiny miniatures with Victorian Era Steampunk stylings?
Ummm...hell yeah!

*A Dystopian Wars naval set*
*One of the Armored box sets*

The beautiful thing is, I have the luxury of not only taking as long as I'd like to decide which one of the many games out there that represents earth-shattering, gigantic conflicts I'd be interested in playing, but I can easily make a very-well informed decision, as well.
You know why? Cuz pretty much every company that's not named Games Workshop offers free rules of one sort or another on their website, and uses the web in such a way as to tell me everything I need to know about the game I'm investigating. Chances are there's a forum I can peek in, blogs I can check out, videos I can watch...
Then, when I'm all psyched up to buy some stuffs, I can slap my sticky tentacles on this here keyboard, and order my goodies from where ever the heck I'd like, and maybe even get a discount.
...Y'know, pretty much everything Games Workshop DOESN'T DO...

It's a big ol' hobby world out there, and I've only seen a few rooms.
Time to change that.

Who knows a good sci-fi mini game I can play that represents battalion-plus sized battles using like, 12mm minis or so?
Hit me up!

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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