Monday, March 25, 2013

New Member Monday - Return of the Hunter

Hey Folks and welcome to a legitimately fantastic week here on the House of Paincakes!  The amazing and fantastic surprise I mentioned a ton but so far have failed to deliver on is coming.  Tomorrow.


You don't know it yet, but you'll be pretty pumped.

Unholy Krondor help SinSynn if his hamster ever gets this pumped.
In the meantime, you'll just have to take comfort in the fact that a lost blog has returned to the fold.

New Member Monday

Prey in 40k
A brief essay detailing a request to be re-added to the blog rolls:

Hello all! 

This is TheGraveMind from theback40k, and I want to check in on something. I had my own personal blog for a while, but posting on the back40k kept me busy, so it fell off the grid for a while. While theback40k repesents indy as a whole, I've opened my own blog up to my gaming group on the south side of town. We are covering not only tournament play, but the hobby side, and we have tons of custom boards and a few zone of mortalis boards as well. 

 One of our aurthors, Gravyghost, placed third in the Indy Open, and of our group we took 4 spot of the top 5 in painting and 5 of the top 10 places overall. 

I've always proudly flown my HoP flag. I know I had been on the networks blog roll at some point, but most likely got taken down when inactive. Now that there are more authors  I'm hoping we can get back on there and share our experiences with the world.

Glad to have you guys back!

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