Friday, March 22, 2013

The [Weekly Top X] Factor

It's my own fool fault, really.

I'm worry about whether or not the things we post on the ol' House of Paincakes are appropriate to a network hub, or whether they belong on a personal blog. I get fretful about whether or not we're networking properly, whether we're talking to people on their turf and promoting good stuff on ours. I, like a damn fool, mention that I have a day off every week and that my WoW server is down for half that day and consequently I have time on my hands, and that there hasn't been a Weekly Top X for a while. And Lauby puts two and two together and sort of goes YESSSS and that totally constitutes permission to take this baby out for a spin. Right?

Atomic batteries to power! Turbines to speed! Fire up the subwoofer! Hook those fifty machines to my little black heart!

Let's get this show on the road.

  1. Warhammer 39,999: Batrep: Space Wolves vs. Tyranids, 2000 points. The only thing more metal than Vikings is Vikings in space, and the only thing more metal than Vikings in space is Vikings in space fighting a friggin' hoard of xenomorphs and slamming four special characters down on the board to boot. The only thing I don't like about this battle report's that it's too damn short. Also, that Tyranid army looks sweet.
  2. A Murder of Ravens: Malifaux on a Budget: Plastic Crews. The only thing better than a Frugal Gamer is a Frugal Gamer who remembers to talk about whether or not things are effective. Cheap ain't always good, and there's nothing less Frugal than throwing money away on stuff you don't want to use. With that in mind, talking through the advantages and the expansion opportunities of some Malifaux starter crews is Worth Doing.
  3. Gmort's Chaotica: Malifaux for Beginners: Ability List. Talking of Malifaux, one thing that's always given me the conniptions about Wyrd's game is the bold choice they took to start out with rules bloat. You could call it a Mali-faux pas. No? Nobody? Well, anyway, there's a lot of stuff on those cards, and a lot of it's not immediately apparent from just looking at the cards either. Gmort's done a good thing by identifying the generic terms that Wyrd don't bother to explain and attaching some sort of definition to them. Not terribly metal, but one for your reference list for sure.

  4. A Gentleman's Ones: Adepticon 2013: Tables. I love me some home-made terrain, and I love me some well-managed projects too, and what Brian's doing here is ace. This whole mock-up-and-move-shapes-about thing is exactly how I go about planning a big hobby project - I'm no good with diagrams, see, I have to have things to play with, and so I've something of a soft spot for the approach he's taking.
  5. Excommunicate Traitoris: Make Hay While The Sun Shines. Not all terrain projects have to be huge, mind. It's the little things that make a board unique and special and different from the generic "two hills, two woods, one large central ruin to annoy Stelek" approach that terrain often ends up taking. Little things like having hay-bales for the models hiding in the barn to take further cover behind, but having them as small independent pieces so you can still move a whole WFB regiment around them if you have to.
  6. Kenzie's Tabletop Gaming: Gatecrash, Week 3. OK, I admit it, this one's in here just because I play an Orzhov deck and it's given me a couple of ideas for combos that I hadn't thought of before. And and and I think it's an interesting thing, blogging about Magic; I'm never quite sure how it works but I like to see other people doing it.
  7. Porky's Expanse: Local Made Good - collaborative campaign locations. I'm a big fan of getting players in my RPGs to involve themselves and their characters in the living world. A player who's helped to build the world knows what it all means and is bound to have ideas about where and how their character fits into it, and I vastly prefer that to a player whose character sort of skims across the surface of the world, lacking the general knowledge to give any context to their decisions. And Porky's done gone made a mechanic for it, because he's awesome.
  8. GAME OVER: Once A Railroad, Now It's Done. Why? Because I'll not have the opportunity for blatant self-promotion again, that's why! Neither will James S of Warp Signal, nor Old School Terminator of Dark Future Games, at least not in the way he's been doing so far. Nobody's deleted anything, though, so this is the perfect chance for you to engage with some back uncatalogued. I hope to see both of these thoroughly excellent chaps around the comments sections of the House.
That goes for you ragamuffins too. Get out there, get commenting, get networking, or I'll tell Eddie where you live.

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