Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Contest Time! Dropzone Commander Rulebook Giveaway

Hey folks!  Here we are, at the end of our Dropzone Commander adventure.  It's been a long, fun ride for Dethtron and myself - hopefully for you guys as well.

We'd like to thank you guys, our audience, for reading and for sharing your thoughts. You guys, especially the people who commented, are what make running this blog worth it.

We'd also like to thank Hawk Wargames for making this whole adventure possible.  Thanks to them, the House of Paincakes had a golden opportunity to try a bunch of new things.   It was pretty exciting to have someone in the industry send us some free stuff to dig into without any stipulations other than "be fair and honest".  

But here's the thing, they sent us too many copies of the rules!

That's where you guys come in.  We've got a brand new, unused Dropzone Commander Rulebook that we have no idea what to do with.

Well... I think you all know that that is completely untrue.  We know EXACTLY what to do with it.  Give it to one of you!

So we're having a give away slash contest thing.

The Rules

The prize:  a brand new copy of the Dropzone Commander rule book.  In English.

Who can enter:  Anyone!  Well, except the HoP authors (sorry dudes).  Residents of all nations are welcome.

How to enter:  Send an email to contest@houseofpaincakes.com expressing your desire to receive a free thing and with your desired contact email address.  Make sure the subject line says "DZC giveaway entry"

How long you have:  Two weeks.  Starting on April 23, 2012 and going til 11:59 pm CDT on May 7, 2013.

Winner selection:  After the two week are up, someone will randomly determine a winner from the pool of all eligible entrants.  We will then notify that person who will have a week to respond with a shipping address.  If we get no response, a new winner will be chosen.

Shipping:  Free!  We don't need your money.  If the winner is in the US, we'll even get some tracking info.  For the rest of the world, thanks to the depressing zaniness that is the USPS, we cant guarantee that you'll get the package, but we'll try our best.

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