Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday Announcements

DZC Giveaway:

Congrats to TheSil on being randomly drawn to receive a free copy of the Dropzone Commander rulebook.    We'll get that out to you as soon as we can, man.  Just remember - you live in Austria, so it may take a while.

Blog Template Changes:

As part of our continuing commitment to excellence - and in no way at all related to feature bloat - we've made a few small changes to the site.
  1. There is now a link to the full web version of the site on the mobile version at the bottom of the page (thanks, Knight_o_I_R). 
  2. LinkWithin has been altered so that it only shows up in the full posts and will no longer display on the homepage.  For technical reasons, this means that it will be a few days before the LinkWithin suggestions make sense again.
  3. The star rating scale has been removed.  Since nobody was using it, it just ate up space.  
A few more changes are coming down the pipes in the future, so keep an eye out.  And if there's a feature you'd like to see, shout out in the comments.  There is absolutely no guarantee that we'll implement a suggestion, but we'd like to know what you think.

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