Sunday, November 4, 2012

...And then Sandy Shows Up...

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

So I'm sittin' here, Blogger tab open and typing this. I've got YouTube open in another tab, and my speakers are cranked to eleven while MIA's 'Bad Girls' plays loud enough to like, make my hair move in the breeze.
Makes me happy, cuz I so love MIA. She's badass.
Nevertheless, I feel a bit guilty. I seem to be one of the few New Yorkers that Hurricane Sandy didn't affect in some terrible fashion. One of my co-workers has been rendered homeless, others are without power nearly a week later. Basements are flooded. Apparently there's no gas, so no one can go anywhere. The subways still aren't running below Times Square, and the whole thing is a big mess.
The death toll is rising.

*This is Sandy. She looks pretty from space*

I always figured my life would end in some dramatic 'Blaze O' Glory' fashion- hounded by law enforcement authorities, I go to ground in some bushes outside Megan Fox's Malibu Dreamhouse. Naked from the waist down, holding only a pair of panties and my trusty disintegrator...
A SWAT team spotlight glares angrily at me, and someone shouts 'freeze!'
I pop up from my hiding spot, blazing away with my disintegrator, and spit something James Cagney-ish.
'You'll never take me alive, coppers!'
They can pry those panties from my cold, dead tentacles.

Yet here I sit, happy that I wasn't killed by a falling tree branch this week.
Blah, what an ignominious way to go. No way anybody ever sees that one coming

I still maintain that trees are far more dangerous than sharks, but whatevs. No one listens when I rant about the trees. My advice is to stay clear of them if there's wind blowing. I sit. Comfy cozy, and readying myself for a game of Flames of War with the Ultimate Rival later today. He's been running a Mech list lately that's been making my life miserable, but what else is new? That's what he does.

Yeah, I don't really have a lot to say 'bout the hobby this week. Like many affected by Hurricane Sandy, I'm kinda just looking around my lil' corner of the world in horrified amazement. One thing keeps running through my head:

Nature laughs at all of our works.

*I know I saw this in a movie somewhere, didn't I?*

Every once in a while, some atmospheric event will occur that humbles Terrans as a species. Or maybe it'll be an earthquake, or whatever, but still...Ultimately, nature and the forces it exerts remain beyond our control, and dammit if that ain't a bit scary from time to time.
Having seen what I've seen this week, I can't help but feel a bit sheepish that my biggest concern is 'should I pay the extra five points to take Stugs, or just go with the Panzer IV's?'
Life is a trip, man.

To any of my readers affected by Sandy- I hope yer ok. Good luck.

I'mma keep this one short- I've still gotta shower (lazy on a Sunday...don't you judge me), and do some other stuffs. I did want to add one more thing, and I'm sorry to include this bit o' nagging-
If you live in the United States, please be sure to go vote this week. Gotta exercise yer rights as a citizen, y'know.

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

P.S.-  To absolutely no one's surprise, the Ultimate Rival braved the storm and drove himself upstate to pick up our Flames of War Open Fire! starter sets. We bought a bunch of 'em, cuz we're dumb like that.

*Finally, a decent FoW starter set has arrived!*

I'll be taking the Germans from two boxes, so I'll have enough 'official' Battlefront stuffs in my army to participate in 'official' events.
'Scuse me while I make this face:
While I don't approve of Battlefront's change in policy regarding 3rd party models, I do approve of their new plastic sculpts, and the value this boxest represents. I'll be digging into my new stuffs later, and I'll be sure to let you guys know what I think.

Be eezy!

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