Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Contest Announcement - Benchvent: Show us Your Workspace

Hello folks, we've got info on a fun little contest for you this fine Tuesday.

Granted, we got a request to post info on this contest a while ago and then promptly dropped the ball.  In fairness we were just absolutely buried in paperwork due to SinSynn's recent run-in with INS.  Some misunderstanding over SinSynn's use of the term "resident alien".  Some light disintegration was involved.  Followed by heavy paperwork.

Anyways, Scott over at a place called Benchvent wants to give some lucky hobbyist something called an Exagon R.  Which I'm lead to believe is either the name brand for a kind of continuum transfunctioner or, more likely, some sort of ventilation system.

All kidding aside, the fine folks over at Benchvent are holding a giveaway contest and all YOU have to do is send in a picture of your hobby workspace by Decemember 14. A winner will be chose at random and then sent a $300 dollar piece of equipment from some blokes in the UK.  Keen!

All the details can be found on this page: Show us your Workspace and Win an Exagon R

Disclaimer:  the House of Paincakes is not receiving any goods or services in exchange for promoting this contest nor did we solicit anything from anyone.  We were simply contacted out of the blue by Scott who correctly deduced that we love contests.

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