Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Adventures of a Boss Lady -Con Report

The Boss Lady's Weekend 

7 am Friday- wake up, shower, get dressed, pack various bags

8 am Friday- wake up kids, get them ready

9 am Friday- leave the house, go to the store

9:30 am Friday- start directing staff and volunteers to pack stock to take to the convention

11 am Friday - Run out of boxes, send someone to get more while items that are already in boxes get loaded into cars

11:30 am Friday- Start unloading first wave of vehicles at con, send empty boxes back to store, while unpacking, arrange product

1 pm Friday- start selling product at the convention (roughly 2 hours behind schedule)

2pm Friday- last of the product unpacked and arranged, appropriate staff sent home

2pm-11pm Friday - Run the booth with a staffer for help

While this is going on, around 9:30, I have to deal with Magic players that can't read and don't listen. (They showed up FAR too early for my next bout of insanity.)

11 pm Friday- Shut down the booth and head into the lobby of the hotel where the con is being held. Start setup of the registration table for the 128 person Magic pre-release tournament event we are hosting at the convention.

12:00 am Saturday- start registration for the pre-release, wrangle said Magic players and direct staff and volunteers. Take money and hand out Magic product.

12:45 am Saturday- announcements and welcome for tournament.

2:00 am Saturday- Boss Lady hits serious panic mode that the tournament won't go off and a riot will occur.

2:15 am Saturday- Round one of 5 rounds begins. Rounds last roughly an hour, and we need to be out of the hotel by 8am, including giving out prizes.

6 am Saturday- First customer takes home a prize.

7am Saturday- All prizes handed out and tear down of tables and chairs in full effect.

7:30 am Saturday- tear down complete, staff chatting about how event went. Most staff sent home.

8 am Saturday- Open booth at con with volunteer. Staffer who is to relieve me falls asleep on the floor. I put them in "time out" and continue running the booth.

Some time Saturday I agree (stupidly) to write a post on Sunday for SinSynn. It doesn't happen.

3pm Saturday- I am in "I need an adult" land, but won't have relief until 4pm.

4pm Saturday- relief staffer arrives.

5pm Saturday- sleep.

7pm Saturday- wake up, shower, get dressed etc

8pm Saturday- my brother from Arkansas arrives after visiting an ill family member. I get a  short visit and break from the con and the stress there.

11pm Saturday- shut down booth, go home

1 am Sunday- Sleep

8 am Sunday- wake up, get dressed, head to convention

9 am Sunday- work booth with staffer

4pm Sunday- shut the booth down, start packing

6pm Sunday- thank you dinner for staff and volunteers

7:30 pm Sunday -unload everything into the store

8:30 pm Sunday- go home, pass out on the couch

7:30 am Monday- breakfast with brother from out of town

10am Monday - put store back together

2pm Monday- call in the cavalry because my staffer and I are dying

5pm Monday- store put back together and we open for business again

6pm Monday- I get put in "time out" and sent home to crash. 

This was my vacation. TheDude was banished from helping for the most part because he was busy running events at the convention. I had a great crew, and I am much better at managing people and telling them what to do than I ever imagined. I also hate staying up for long stretches of time and will never do that again. Until next year. 

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