Monday, January 28, 2013

New Member Monday - Late Breaking Blogs

Hey folks and welcome to another funderful week here at the House of Paincakes - now with 50% more distracting GIFs.

Admit it.  You thought this was going to be boob related.

Hahahahaha!  Oh man!!  I can't stop looking at it.  Ah hahahahaha!

Right, I'mjust gonna skip over to the actual new members now. My buddy's cat brought a dead bird into his house and then proceeded to 'disassemble it' to use my buddy's phrasing.  While that's less interesting than our numerous and fine new members, it's MORE interesting than trying to stretch out this intro any longer. Also, my lunch is over.

New Member Monday

Elphilo's Blog
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, modeling, battle reports

Valknut Painting
Keywords: warhammer 40k, WIPs, painting, sculpting

Boisterous Exuberance
Keywords: Malifaux, Warmachine/Hordes, Games Workshop, Saga, Bolt Action, other various and sundry games.

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