Monday, January 14, 2013

New Member Monday - Polonium

Hey folks!  It's Monday. You're tuned into the House of Paincakes.  And by now you've realized that SinSynn didn't mention tentacles even ONCE in his last post.  You know what this means:

Sorry, but we have standards here.  And one of those standards is that there is a certain minimum level of tentacle we have to represent on the site.

Von and Lo have been protesting this rule for quite some time and have held much firmer in recent months than I had anticipated   Since I, literally, can not run this site without them they both get to revel in their , relatively, tentacle free lives.  So it was up to me to step up.

You win this time, Blogger's Union Local 142!

New Member Monday

Spartan Painting
Keywords: painting miniatures, tutorials, dioramas, WFB, WH40K, Warhammer, Flames Of War, Warhammer Historical, Scale Modeling, POLAND!

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