Wednesday, February 6, 2013

[Musings of a Game Store Owner] Recent Happenings

We all know the "old gamer", the guy that's been around the store or scene for as long as we can remember. The guy that knows all the stories, and is as grizzled as they come. 

These guys are die hard old school gamers, and have all kinds of wisdom and sometimes mayhem to share with the younger and newer folks in the crowd.

We all know that guy, and some of us even take the time to get to know them and find out their story. Over at our local shop, we've had the good fortune to get to know one of these guys pretty well (and spend more than a few nights drinking with him), and he's recently done some awesome stuff that I wanted to share. 

This guy is the ultimate "old school" gamer, the grognard we all hear about, and he owns it. He rocks the dice and loves to regale those that will listen with tales of dungeon crawling and zero-level character deaths galore. 

But there's a twist. My pal has ventured onto the internet and gotten himself connected with friends and writers via Facebook and forums, websites and blogs, and has expanded his influence past our little community. He's made some great friends and has been working diligently on "old school" RPG adventures for Pathfinder for the past year with the idea of publishing them in a compendium. He's also a big reviewer, and checks out tons of materials and passes on his wisdom pretty much daily.

My buddy has been reviewing, writing and otherwise working on materials for various adventures over the past year, keeping his little project as his end goal in mind as he did so. 

With his massive publication project on the horizon, he was writing like a madman when he up and had a stroke. The stroke seriously interfered with his communication center - he couldn't read or write easily, and speech was difficult. None of this bothered him- he refused to let his project be derailed in any way. He dove into rehab and made an exceptionally fast recovery (back to writing for his project within weeks) and has kicked off his project in grand style. 

The project fully funded in under 24 hours- and you should check this awesome stuff out. There's still a ton of stretch goals and awesome unlockables- and anything I can do to support this guy who kicked the ass of a stroke to keep on publishing is worth it in my book....

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