Sunday, April 7, 2013


Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

I'd like to take a moment, before I begin my usual nonsense, to thank you guys.

Every week, I sit down at my computer- a very ghetto Compaq Presario 6000- and, honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I never really have a...oh, gawd- what are those things called?
Oh, yeah. A plan.

I know that genuine writers do things like 'drafts' and 'editing,' but I sorta...don't. I may or may not have some vague idea of what it is I'd like to discuss, but no clue as to how I'm gonna go about it. Often times I will sit here, tentacles on keyboard, and just stare vacantly at the bright white screen, waiting for the goddamn Hamster That Lives In My Head to wake his fuzzy lil' rodent butt up and get to spinning.

Results may vary, but eventually I'll fill the screen with words. The merit of these words might be debatable, but I have a lotta fun poundin' 'em out, and I certainly hope you folks enjoy readin' 'em- I'm sorry 'bout da grammar, and my virtual waterboarding of the English language in general...oh, and the punctuation (there's entirely too many dots in my posts...) and most of the content and pretty much the whole hot mess including the run on sentences cuz I know sometimes I just ramble on and on and on and on and meow meow meow.

The best thing about my posts isn't the posts, though- it's what happens after, when you guys show up. The discussion that happens in the comments section 'round here is way better than anything I could come up with on my own, that's fer sure. The contributions from the good folks who partake in this weekly journey never fail to make these asinine blatherings of mine actually...good.
And for that, I thank you...from the bottom of my cold, multi-valved, Xenos-fluid exchanging chamber, located in my central thorax.
If you could all do me a favor, and take a screenshot of one of my posts, you can use it as identification when my plot to take over the world comes to fruition. Just show it to the commander of one of my Terran Extermination Teams, and I promise nothing will happen to you. In fact, because yer all cool with me, I'll even give youse guys some cushy jobs!
You may find it distasteful at first, assisting in the destruction of your own race. But hey- consider the alternative! It sure beats being Disintegrated, amirite?

*Now just hold still while I tag you*

And by the way- just how ghetto is my computer?
It has a DVD Burner, a CD player (read-only), and...(wait for it)...a floppy drive.

But whatevs, it was a gift, and beggars can't be choosers- my own computer melted down like, forever ago, and I was sharing The Crazy Lady's...which was horrible, cuz she would totally blackmail me with it.
'Oh, you wanna write yer lil' post thingy? I wanted to post some pictures on FaceBook. Too bad. Maybe if you promised to walk the dog later, so I could watch American Idol...'
It wouldn't have hurt so much if I didn't teach her how to post pictures on FaceBook in the first place.
Anyway, Nascar was sympathetic to my plight, and seeing as he was using this one to prop open a window, he hooked me up.
I mean, sure, it makes some weird grindy noises, and I can't full-screen my favorite tentacle hentai sites in HD when I'm streaming (I can if I download it, so that's how I get around that. Nyah), but I'm grateful nonetheless.
Watching The Crazy Lady kick back in her pajamas on the couch, all comfy-cozy in her stupid snuggly thing, eating Bon-Bons or whatever while I bundled up in like ninety layers to walk the dog in the freezing cold for the second time in a day (I do morning doggie-walks. That's the deal) was getting depressing.

Speaking of tentacle hentai...

*Greatest. Segue. Ever...(and look- more dots)*

There are many things in this world that fill me with great joy, like music, fer instance. I swear, I know I harp on my love of the band Sleigh Bells, and that's cuz, well...I friggin' love Sleigh Bells, but beyond my obsession with Alexis Krauss (the singer), when I listen to Sleigh Bells I am ridiculously happy. Really, that's all that matters to me- Sleigh Bells makes me ridiculously happy.

So do a million other things. Hell, I get all happy over a good cup o' coffee in da morning. I'm fairly easy to please, in this regard. I have a fine appreciation of 'happy.'

I, like many of you, have limited time outside of my 'real life' to engage in my hobby. And lemme tell ya, my hobby is one of those things that makes me stupidly, ridiculously happy- 'specially nowadays. That's one of the reasons I think it's important for me to selfish about it, I guess.
I mean, my hobby time should be about grabbing some ridiculous happiness. Damn, yo- I worked all friggin' week, and now it's my time. Time for me to hang out with my boy and push lil' models around. That's what's up.

Picking up Infinity has been very rewarding for me, hobby-wise. I've even got my own game table and some terrain now. I've pretty much got a good set of models goin' on, most of them are assembled and painting should begin any day now- Nascar and I didn't get to it yesterday due to a late start.
Also, it's been fun diving into a new game setting, and enveloping myself in its minutiae. The Infinity Universe is quite amusing- surprisingly so, in fact, and as the game grows the fluff grows with it. I hate to admit this, but I sorta understand the fluff nazi perspective, cuz I like Infinity much better now that I have a grasp of what's going on in the overall scheme of things, and cool, well-conceived fluff is more important than I realized previously.

*Infinity now has a second Xenos race. Say hello to Viral Weaponry , Symbiotic Armor  and Link Teams everywhere*

One of my favorite things about this hobby is that lately, there seems to be something cool around every corner. Now that I've sorta committed to getting into some new games, I'm looking at everything with a fresh perspective. Literally, if I wanted to, I could pick up a game, almost any game, and play it. Hey- I've got a game table, right? Nascar would be down. What's to stop me? The investment to get into most games nowadays is minimal. I spend more money on a video game with a couple of DLC packs or a 'Season Pass' than a couple of Starter Sets for the average min-game costs, fer cryin' out loud.

So now I look at something like Dreadball, which seems like a fun diversion, and I'm very tempted...very tempted indeed.
Dreadball has Xenos, the models are nice, it looks like one of those games that's simple to get into but has deep mechanics that you pick up on as you get better...

But then again maybe I wanna try out Malifaux (GMort is a terrible influence, and that game looks awesome), or maybe I wanna stick to my guns, and find something with big stompy mechs that's kinda like Epic. Or maybe I just wanna work out a way to play Epic, cuz I've always really wanted to...I could do that.
It's a lotta happy, looking around from this perspective.

*Everything I've read about it leads me to believe this is the best way to play the 40k Universe*

When I look around at vast array of games out there I could partake of, I'm literally blown away. Seriously- my imagination is the only limit. There's a game out there- or 'games,' who knows?- for me, that's for sure. And why should I not play it? All you really need is one other person, right? If there's one thing that Infinity has taught me, is not to be all, 'ohmahgerd, I can't play that game cuz I dunno that anyone else will play it.'
Find somebody and play it.
I bought two Infinity starter sets and bribed a buddy into a first game.
'Come over and hang out. We'll have couple adult beverages, we'll check out this game. It'll be fun.'
Now Nascar and I are trying to figure out a way to get to Infinity events that are being held out in Long Island. We'll do it, too. There's other people out there that play the game...Waddayaknow.

I'm blessed with a plethora of awesome choices, and I think that's just about the coolest thing ever. Our hobby seems to encourage weird, wonderful, wacky ideas, and a quick look at what's happening on Quickstarter will set my brain abuzz with possibilities.

Hollywood can't seem to do anything new- it costs too much to take a risk on new stuffs, I guess, so they build franchises to run 'em into the ground so they can reboot 'em and re-issue the box set when the 20th anniversary rolls around.
Everywhere else I look I see the same ol' stuffs, just re-hashed and re-heated and re-served, over and over again.
I find it ironic that some lil' modeling company out in the middle of nowhere can come up with a more awesome concept than the folks who make our summer 'blockbusters.' I mean, go figure. 
They could license the forthcoming 'Kingdom Death' game, I suppose, but that might actually be a lil' too awesome for Hollywood, even.

I fully plan on making the most outta my hobby- that little bit of 'me time' that I selfishly fall away from the 'real world' and it's cloying, ever-so-annoying responsibilities and whatnot. Fortunately my hobby never fails to impress- there's a LOT out there to see. I've been spending time surfing the links on the House of Paincake's Blog Rolls lately, just checkin' stuffs out (there's a ton of great blogs, I must say, and it's a great way to find new stuffs, and keep up with what's goin' on out there), and lemme tell ya, our hobby suffers from no lack of new ideas.
And really, in the unlikely event that there's nuthin' to tickle yer fancy (where is a Terran's 'fancy' located, anyhow? I haven't found one in any of my autops....never mind....), then you can always do it yerself. Hey- I've built my own terrain. I ain't afeared of doin' anything now.

Ah, the world is my oyster, my cup runneth over, and it's all right there at my tentacle-tips, just a few clicks away. That's what's up.

Until next time, folks- Exit with catchphrase!

- SinSynn

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