Friday, April 5, 2013

[Weekly Top X]-Treme!

It's dark in the House of Paincakes Doom Fortrees office. Strange, blubbery, vaguely aquatic sounds emanate from the playpen SinSynn Holding Facility; Dethtron's king-size speaker system lies dormant, devoid of Metal; the clutter of Dropzone Commander goodies on Lauby's desk totters gently in the breeze from the air-conditioning, swaying this way and that but never quite falling. Even Lo is AWOL - the red phone is not flashing, the cute purse is absent, the whimsy has left the weekly.

And yet, at the ungodly hour of 5.30 in the ante meridian, someone is awake. Bathed in the baleful glow of jury-rigged dual-screen monitors, his mind athrong with thoughts of reputation rewards, talent specs and appropriate glyph allocations, Von is hunched in a sort of cave made of unread Beard Fanciers' Weeklies and unopened Necron kits, playing World of Warcraft.

The impression is that he's been at this for some time. It's not that he hasn't left the desk - he doubtless has, his beard is trimmed and the poop-sock is conspicuous by its absence. It's more the haggard look in his eyes, the fevered mutterings about raid gear requirements and this being why PvP is more fun. That's definitely what gives it away, actually. Anyone who thinks PvP is fun during the school holidays must be insane.

The lights come up, and Von's monitors splutter and die. Shaken from the click-induced trance, Von blinks a few times and squintily focuses on the message now flashing on his screen.

All right, all right, fine, I'll interrupt this unparalleled opportunity to sort out my Monk with two weeks of hard grind and RP shenanigans just long enough to bring you a bumper romper stomper hamper of a Top X. There's been a lot of good stuff flickering past my field of vision in the last seven days, so this week has no theme beyond sheer variety. Enjoy!

First off, Kevin's Miniatures and Hobby Table has this neat little Warmahordes battle report. Unlike some of us, Kevin is capable of writing battle reports of less than 3,000 words in length, and unburdened by tedious narrative, terrible puns and sideline explorations of unexpected mechanical interactions. By contrast this is short, clear, to the point and an entertaining read. You might even learn how not to win with [SPOILER].

Ashley's giving away free stuff at Chickhammer! As a triumphant tribute to a hundred posts of thoughtful hobby content from ze female perspective, Ashley's waving a GW gift voucher around and all you have to do is tell her you'll do something interesting with it. Even the haters among you must want, like, paintbrushes or terrain or Aaron Dembski-Bowden novels or something that GW does well.

still practicing has always been a thoughtful blog, not given to following the consensus, and Tallarn has lately turned his mind toward doing something meaningful about the Heldrake - not pissing, not moaning, not carping and definitely not whining, but toward evaluating its capabilities, its ground-level effect on how list design and game planning, and some moves toward dealing with the damn thing meaningfully.

Da Masta Cheef of Da Long Wayz Dezert Groop, meanwhile, professes to be made of granola. Or something. Being British I am not even entirely sure what this word means - is it something like a Nature Valley Bar (say that in a broad Welsh accent and a surprised tone, and you'll never be able to take it seriously again)? I certainly don't see how it relates to someone's personality type and interests, unless it's something about doing a broad range of stuff besides playing nerd games and that making you a stronger, stickier, tooth-cracking-to-eat kind of person. Which is, I admit, something with which I've struggled in the last seven days...

Unite All Action would like to show you a Blood Bowl pitch. You will now play Blood Bowl. This is just a thing that's going to happen. It's not like it's the best game GW has ever designed, neglected, and then given over to the fan community and third party manufacturers to maintain indefinitely, or anything. No sir. Anyway, this board is frickin' sweet and 3D and accessible and functional and cuts down on the extraneous cardboard factor of Blood Bowl, which is always a good thing.

The Army Collector has a few words to say about SAGA, a strange historical game which has been intermittently popular down the Clapham Wargamers' Guild way of late. I profess to not entirely understanding how it works, but our man the Collector has shed some light onto the ups and downs and ins and outs of it, and that's helped.

Incarias Speaks, and at present he speaks of Malifaux, giving a full and frank appraisal of the game's three significant faults as he sees them. I share many of his misgivings about the system, and yet like him I also recognise its addictive properties; the capacity to link and synch connections with just another box, just another blister, and then you can try this one out, which is so terribly compelling and, for once, actually a pathway toward game effectiveness.

And finally, the Steam-Powered Gamer has his thinking cap on and is contemplating the Reeves of Orboros. I do like these re-appraisals of under-used second-tier pieces in Warmahordes; like many things, the Reeves are slightly clunky but have a place in the odd niche build, and I'm always a fan of niche builds. I also like crossbows, and the Reeves have those in abundance.

Right. That's enough for you lot to be getting on with. I've Golden Lotus rep to grind. Naff off 'til next Friday.

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